Asco Lights 3D tour!

Asco Lights 3D tour- showroom

Thanks to the latest technology, you can now view Asco Light’s amazing showroom from the comfort of your own home or office!

The 3D tour of the showroom allows the user to ‘walk around’ the showroom and explore how our lighting solutions and products illuminate the space.

As you walk through the entrance you are greeted by the mirage of colours and the strikingly beautiful hand made Lladro chandelier of porcelain fairies.

As you walk along the gallery you can see our tunnel area showing off some of Occhio’s most popular wall lights- the Sento and also the Swarovski crystal kit on the ceiling.

Turning towards the dining area you will see our stunning bocci display of hand blown glass balls and peering through you can see our ultra modern black glass media wall and television framed beautifully by two Kreon Dolma cascading profiles.


Click here to view our beautiful showroom and experience this for yourself,-2.155532,3a,75y,145.07h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sQobzM9smrwgAAAQYa5Uy8Q!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x448bdf42d466ea38?sa=X&ei=cak7VPKLLrKd7gb6t4GADg&ved=0CI0BEKAfMAw

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